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If your driveway, path, deck or fence needs deep cleaning, Price Mowing & Slashing is ready to assist! Our skilled team offers high-quality, time-efficient pressure washing solutions tailored to residential and commercial properties in Moreton Bay. We utilise pressure washing techniques that are environmentally friendly, using high-pressure water instead of harsh chemicals. Say goodbye to hours of manual scrubbing; we clean surfaces swiftly and with maximum efficiency. Regular cleaning not only prevents deterioration but also extends the life of your surfaces.
Contact us on 0413 353 050 to find out how we can benefit you today.
We provide various lawn mowing services for residential and commercial clients throughout Moreton Bay and surrounding areas.
We slash acreage properties throughout Moreton Bay, ensuring grasses, shrubs and trees are kept tidy and healthy year-round.
We pressure-wash driveways, patios or other outdoor surfaces. Servicing homes and businesses throughout Moreton Bay and surrounds.
Our comprehensive pressure-washing service ensures your surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and protected. We begin by preparing the area for smooth cleaning. Our experts adjust water pressure to match each surface's needs and the level of grime. For tough stains, we employ eco-friendly cleaning solutions to enhance effectiveness. After cleaning, we provide valuable advice on maintaining and safeguarding your property for long-lasting cleanliness. Trust our experienced team to deliver outstanding results while prioritising environmental responsibility. For reliable pressure washing that exceeds expectations, contact us today and experience the exceptional quality of our professional service.
We service homes and businesses throughout Brisbane, Moreton Bay, North Lakes and the Sunshine Coast.
Yes, if not done properly. Delicate surfaces or those with loose materials can be damaged by high-pressure water if the pressure is too strong or if the wrong nozzle is used.
It can be, especially if water and electricity use are minimised. Biodegradable detergents and water conservation techniques can also enhance its eco-friendliness.
Pressure washing is effective on a variety of surfaces, including driveways, patios, decks and gutters. However, surfaces like wood and painted surfaces require extra care.
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.
ABN: 93 524 204 983