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Price Mowing & Slashing offers expert cleaning services for driveways, paths, decks and fences. Our skilled team delivers pressure washing solutions for residential and commercial properties in North lakes. We use environmentally friendly pressure washing techniques, employing high-pressure water instead of harsh chemicals. This eliminates the need for manual scrubbing, providing efficient and effective surface cleaning. Regular maintenance not only enhances appearance but also prevents deterioration, extending the lifespan of your surfaces.
Enjoy the convenience and quality of our services by contacting us on 0413 353 050 to learn more or to schedule your cleaning today.
Our lawn mowing services include mowing, weeding, hedging, rubbish removal and small earthmoving jobs. Servicing North Lakes.
We provide slashing services for large-scale properties throughout North Lakes and surrounding areas.
Pressure washing effortlessly removes dirt, grime, stains and mould from any property in North Lakes.
Our comprehensive pressure-washing service ensures a pristine finish through meticulous steps. We start by preparing the surfaces, ensuring a seamless cleaning process. Our experts then adjust pressure levels to match the specific needs of each surface, effectively tackling different types of dirt and grime. For challenging stains, eco-friendly cleaning solutions are applied to maximise results without harming the environment. After cleaning, we provide valuable advice on maintaining and protecting your property. Trust our knowledgeable team to enhance your property's appearance. Contact us today and experience a superior pressure-washing service that prioritises quality and environmental responsibility.
We service homes and businesses throughout Brisbane, Moreton Bay, North Lakes and the Sunshine Coast.
Clear the area of obstacles, cover nearby plants and electrical outlets and inspect the surface for any loose items that may be dislodged.
While DIY pressure washing can be effective for many tasks, professional services may be necessary for complex jobs or to ensure proper care of delicate surfaces.
Not always. While water can suffice for some tasks, stubborn stains or areas with heavy dirt buildup may require a cleaning solution designed for pressure washers.
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.
ABN: 93 524 204 983