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If your driveway, path, deck or fence needs a deep clean, Price Mowing & Slashing can assist! Our skilled team delivers eco-friendly, efficient pressure washing solutions for residential and commercial properties on the Sunshine Coast. We employ high-pressure water methods, avoiding harsh chemicals, to ensure surfaces are cleaned thoroughly and efficiently. With our services, there’s no need for hours of manual scrubbing, as we prioritise speed and effectiveness. Regular cleaning by us not only keeps your surfaces looking great but also helps to prevent deterioration and extend their lifespan.
Contact us today on 0413 353 050 to enquire about our services.
We provide a wide range of lawn mowing services for homes and businesses on the Sunshine Coast.
We slash acreage properties on the Sunshine Coast. Our team will clean up overgrown grass and foliage.
We pressure-wash driveways, patios and more, removing common contaminants. Servicing the Sunshine Coast.
Our pressure-washing service ensures thorough cleaning with meticulous attention to detail. We start by preparing the surfaces for a smooth operation. Our experts then adjust the water pressure to match different surfaces and types of grime. For stubborn stains, we apply eco-friendly cleaning solutions to maximise efficiency. After cleaning, we provide you with tailored advice on how to maintain and protect your surfaces, ensuring lasting beauty and integrity. Reach out today to experience our friendly and professional service, designed to meet your specific cleaning needs while prioritising the care and preservation of your property.
We service homes and businesses throughout Brisbane, Moreton Bay, North Lakes and the Sunshine Coast.
This depends on the surface and environmental conditions. Typically, annual or semi-annual cleaning is sufficient for most properties.
Yes, power washing uses heated water in addition to pressure, which can be more effective at removing stubborn substances like oil and grease.
Yes, pressure washing can strip paint if the pressure is high enough. This can be useful for repainting projects but damaging if not intended.
Thank you for contacting Price Mowing & Slashing.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
ABN: 93 524 204 983